5 African Presidents with serious sexual lust
1. King Mswati of Swaziland
2. Jacob Zuma of South Africa
Jacob Zuma, after serving as South
Africa’s Vice President and before becoming President and President of
the African National Congress (ANC) political party, was charged with
rape (2005–06). He is Polygamous and very lustful. President Jacob In
2014 Zuma hinted that he may be ready to take a fifth wife to accompany
him through old age.The 72-year-old said in isiZulu “Angakayakhi indlu
yokugugela … laba ngisabathathile nje” (I do have wives but I’m yet to
marry my last one).
People who are close to him testify that
he is always talking about women and fantasizing of how he would want
to take them to his bedroom. Zuma, who has about 20 children, has
married six times but currently has four wives on the state’s budget,
despite criticism from some taxpayers. He was once charged of rape,
infidelity amongst other shameful sexual acts.
3. The Late Muammar Gaddafi of Libya
Gaddafi had two wives Safia Farkash and Fatiha al-Nuri. For many, the death of Muammar Gaddafi will confirm the end of an era, but for Safia, the woman who says the dictator raped her for five years, the shadow of the colonel will haunt her forever. Safia says she felt a mixture of feelings when she saw images of the leader’s lifeless body, ranging from happiness to anger.
Gaddafi had female body guards who he
raped, beat and drugged. He would have Orgies at his Presidential house
with body guards who he occasionally slept with. According to reports , a
dozen girls have suffered the same fate to satisfy the colonel’s
“perverted sexual fantasies,” adding that they were often dressed like
his female bodyguards. Sources also tell of orgies organised for African
heads of state who visited the leader and claims supermodels from
Africa and Europe, especially Italy and Belgium, were regularly
recruited for such parties.”Those women would leave with bags full of
money, but he never gave any money to the Libyan girls he sexually
enslaved.” For all these reasons Gaddafi was voted the 3rd most lustful
African Head of state.
4. Joh Mahama of Ghana
President John Mahama has
extra-marital escapades that apparently resulted in a string of
children outside his marriage although President Mahama denies being a
“There is this notion of me being a
womaniser which is certainly not true. I have had children outside my
marriage. But I am at peace with my wife. She understands the
circumstances in which it happened, and I have been a responsible father
to my children,” said the president. President Mahama officially put
the number of his children at
seven.It is officially accepted that the President has also fathered
other kids outside of his marriage with an unknown woman and had a boy
before his marriage to Lordina. President Mahama has for a long time
been at the receiving end of a raging controversy over the number of
children that he has actually
sired. Many sources claim that Mohama, has at least 5 extra marital
affairs and has more than seven children that he claims to have.
5. Yahya Jammeh of Gambia
Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has had three wives, Alima Sallah, Zeinab Suma Jammeh, Tuti Faal. he Impregnated Fatou Jarol-Jammeh, a scholarship awardee Unfortunately
the baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, just like Mr. President’s
two children. After the diagnosis, Fatou’s pregnancy was aborted in the
United States, and Adeola tells you how Mr. President is trying to
cover-up his extra marital affairs.
Yahya Jammeh has been know to be a wife
snatcher and has had other children outside marriage. He uses his wealth
and power to go after younger women and teenagers. He has been Voted
the Fifth most Lustful President in Africa.