Wafahamu Mastaa 10 wa Mieleka waliofanya vizuri kwenye Movie na Movie walizo cheza


best bodies in wwe history

1.Steve Austin  Movie alizocheza (The Condemned. The Longest Yard,)
 Stone Cold Movie Trailer

2.John Cena Movie alizocheza (The Marine, 12 Rounds and Legendary. )
John Cena Pulls Young Cancer Patient Into The Ring

3.Dwayne "the Rock" Movie alizocheza ( Gridiron Gang, the Fast & Furious series, Pain & Gain, as well as Hercules)
 The Rock

4.Kelvin Nash Movie alizocheza  (The Punisher, The Longest Yard, John Wick and the Magic Mike series. )

5.Kane Movie alizocheza(See No Evil,)
 6.Jesse “The Body” Ventura kashiriki movie na Anorld
 Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator, The Running Man and Batman & Robin
 Old-School Ass-Kicker: Jesse Ventura 7.Hunter Hearst Helmsley au Triple H yupo ndani ya The Chaperone and Blade: Trinity. Triple H8.Dave Bautista  amecheza kama Brass Body katika The Man with the Iron Fists and Drax the Destroyer in Guardians of the Galaxy.

9. Hulk Hogan amecheza Rocky III kama Thunderlips.Hulk Hogan Is Back

10.Andre the Giant amecheza  Fezzik in The Princess Bride.
Andre the Giantchanzo:muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities