Giving up on the relationship for no reason
At the end of the day, being in a relationship is all about working
out any problems and enjoying what you get together. When one partner
decides to walk away from a relationship, this leaves the other partner
wondering what he or she did wrong. Its is better to explain why you are
leaving than walking away with no explanation
Telling your partner that he doesn’t like her as a person
There is nothing bad as degrading your partner even when the
relationship is not working. This person has actually given you her
commitment and trust so that you could both build something. Saying such
things makes your partner lose her self-esteem. Cheating is way better
than being treated this way.
Giving money to her family behind her back to help them out
Any help that you want to offer to her family should be first
discussed between the two of you. It is better for the woman to do so
herself. Doing so makes the family think that she does not care about
them and they end up disliking her for no reason.
Your partner faking their own death just so that they don’t have to be with you any more
We have heard cases where a partner faked his or her death so that
they could be with another person. This leaves the other partner with
burdened especially if the couple had children. Imagine what would
happen if the other partner discovered that it was all a lie. they might
even die.
Constantly lying to your partners face
There are partners who are obsessed with lying even when they are
caught doing something wrong. After confessing and being forgiven the
first time, you should do your best and avoid repeating the same
mistake. If repeat the same mistake intentionally, this amounts to lying
to your partner.
Talking about your partner behind their back to my parents
Talking to your partners parents should always be done by both the
couple. It is never a good thing for one of the couple to talk to the
others couple parents without her knowledge. This will eventually lead
to your partner feeling left out and disrespected by his or her parents.
Having a sexless relationship
We have heard of situations where a couple goes for as long as one
year without having sex or any physical contact. This may be caused by
various reasons. What would make this worse is knowing that the other
partner is sexually active with other people. You feel unappreciated and
Using the children against the other parent
A relationship will be torn apart when one parent turns the kids
towards one parent. The kids should never be involved in any problems
you may have between the two of you. If one of the partners does this,
it is the kids who will suffer eventually
Telling out a vital secret to other people
Nobody is perfect. When we start a relationship, we tend to believe
that the relationship will always be the same so we tell our partners
most of the secrets we have. There is nothing as disturbing as when a
partner goes out there and tells other people that secret.
Being addicted to drugs or alcohol
When starting a relationship, we always believe that the other
partner should enable you instead of drugging you down. You both hope
for a better future. If one person unfortunately becomes a drug or
alcohol addict, this means that the other partner will be forced to take
the role of both parents which can
be hectic.
Sucking off your partner financially
Well yea, a relationship is all about supporting one another
financially and emotionally. A partner may take advantage of the other
partner when it comes to finances. If you are not careful, you may soon
get into trouble financially. It is important to have boundaries in
order to deal with such problems.
A woman confiding in another man before breaking up the relationship
A woman may take advantage of her man in order to gain financially.
After she gets what she wants, she may get another man and flee with his
former partner’s money. Such a situation leaves a man feeling used and
helpless. It is better to get cheated on than to be in such a position
Treating your loved one like a slave
Research shows that sadists usually turn you into a slave. This means
you are not allowed to make any decisions without your partner being
around. They will turn their loved ones into slaves without them even
knowing. First they isolate you from family and friends and you become
dependent on them.
Refusing to bear a child with your husband
A woman may decide that she does not want kids but she never lets her
husband know this. Her husband does everything including visiting the
doctor and even using traditional herbs just to get her wife pregnant.
This is happening all over the world. It is an act of selfishness and
You partner cuts you off from all your friends and family and manipulates you forever
When dealing with a psychopath, they will manipulate you into doing
things you never thought you could do. At the start, they make you lose
your connection to your friends then eventually your family. When in
such a situation, all you think about is being with him or her.
Knowingly giving your wife or husband an incurable STD
Cheating in a relationship may get you infected with sexually
transmitted diseases. If you don’t use protection, the chances of
getting infected become high. It is better to let your partner know that
you did something wrong instead of shutting up and infecting them too.