The most-wanted man in Africa is accused of being the key financier
behind one of the worst genocides in human history. The International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda recently started special depositions in the
case against him for “serious offenses under the 1949 Geneva
Conventions, crimes against humanity and genocide,” in connection with
the massacre of over 800,000 Rwandans in 1994. The depositions were
initiated by prosecutors who feared evidence against Kabuga would be
lost or deteriorate due to the passage of time or death of witnesses.
Kabuga’s radio station incited violence against Rwanda’s Tutsi
population. He also provided transportation, and machetes and hoes that
were used as weapons.
Joseph Kony
The head of the Lord’s Resistance Army, a guerrilla group trying to
establish a theocratic government, Kony has driven the killing of
civilians in Uganda and, more recently, in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, the Central African Republic and Sudan. Under Kony the LRA has
displaced 2 million people and Kony has directed the abduction of
60,000, including 30,000 children, forcing them to fight in his campaign
of murder, rape, mutilation and sexual slavery. He reputedly forces
children to murder their own parents as part of their initiation into
his group. The LRA has killed an estimated 2,400 civilians since 2008.
The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for his arrest,
indicting Kony on 33 charges, including crimes against humanity and war
Doku Umarov
The Osama bin Laden of Russia heads the Caucasus Emirate, which
aims to establish an Islamic emirate in Southern Russia. Umarov was
originally a Chechen separatist, but now he is a full-blown terrorist,
having claimed responsibility for terror attacks like the suicide
bombings of Moscow subway stations that killed 40 people last year. The
Russian government has charged him with the bombing of Moscow’s
Domodedovo airport that killed 36 people in January. In May the U.S.
government offered up $5 million for information leading to his capture